BORA hansgrohe German Professional CyclingBand of Brothers

Jordi Meeus extends contract with Red Bull - BORA - hansgrohe

Jordi Meeus will continue to sprint in the Red Bull - BORA - hansgrohe jersey in the coming seasons. The 26-year-old is the last rider to win on the famous Champs Elysées. Exactly one year ago, he celebrated his biggest career victory to date, winning the prestigious final stage of the Tour de France.


July 23, 2023 is a special day in the team's history. Although it was the team's 11th Tour stage win, the team had never before celebrated on the magnificent boulevard of Paris. After 3405 kilometers, it came down to a few centimeters: Jordi Meeus won and stood on the podium in Paris.


Just in time for the anniversary, the Belgian showed his top speed. Yesterday he won the opening stage of the Tour de Wallonie, his second victory of the season after winning a stage at the Tour of Norway. In the spring, Jordi Meeus impressed with a third place at Ghent-Wevelgem and a Top10 result at Paris-Roubaix.


Jordi Meeus

"I'm really happy to stay with the team. I've become a professional cyclist here and I've felt at home from the beginning. I've learned a lot from the team and my teammates, and I've always felt super good here. The team was already one of the biggest when I first signed, and with Red Bull now on board, the project can now grow even further."